Biden Team Already Profiting from Arms Deals

Less than a month into his term in office, Biden’s top team are already turning major profits from his decisions. 

We’ve already told you about the millions Nancy Pelosi ‘coincidentally’ made from investing in electric cars…

But with Biden’s top assistants collecting major paychecks from arms deals, the situation is far worse.

Just days ago, the Biden administration approved their first major international arms deals, planning to send over $200 million in weapons to various countries around the world.

One of those countries was Chile, where arms dealers Raytheon just signed off on an $85 million deal to provide missiles, planes and more to the infamously repressive state…

While the fact that the Biden administration agreed to a deal like that shouldn’t exactly surprise anyone (except for those naive enough to believe Biden was an anti-war candidate), there’s a far more concerning issue that no one in the media is willing to discuss.

For obvious reasons, any international arms deal has to be vetted by the Department of Defense. 

The thing is, Lloyd Austin, the Secretary of Defense under Biden, used to sit on the board of Raytheon, and still owns a vast amount of stock in the company.

In other words, by approving the deal, Austin guaranteed himself a larger paycheck, with no kind of oversight as to whether the deal was appropriate.

He’s far from the only one set to profit from weapons deals and wars under Biden…

With a shocking number of his appointees having some kind of connection to military contractors, don’t be surprised if arms deals like this become something far more commonplace.

And that’s not even where the problem of profiteering in the military ends. 

With contractors turning bigger and bigger profits no matter how much they underdeliver, we’re in a far worse position than you might think.

Just take a look at the F-35. Over a trillion dollars pledged, with barely anything to show for it…

It’s time to stop the profiteers, and ensure that our nation’s defense is based around our needs… not the profits of those making decisions.

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